We, [Stefano Luzzatto]{link to profile} and [Tanja Schindler]{link to profile}, the initiators of this website, and [Francesca Luzzatto]{visit website}, the developer of this website, created it for two main purposes, to be a platform to advertise and look for conferences in the area of ergodic theory and dynamical systems and a platform that gives a list of researchers in the respective area. Our main intention in creating this homepage and the way we hope that the community can make use of it are given below. As more people know about the website, both parts of the website will become more useful, therefore please, feel free to distribute the information far and wide.
There are many reasons to have a Researchers' Directory in Dynamical Systems. Many conference organisers try to have diverse speakers. The same is true for
researchers aiming to create a diverse research network for which e.g. they apply for
funding. However, it is not always easy to keep track of all people working in the respective
subfield and sometimes one may simply forget about one person who would be a perfect
fit for a conference speaker - particularly, if the person hasn't (yet) had the opportunity to
give a lot of talks.
Users can filter by research field, career stage, gender, country of origin and country of
For researchers who have their name in the directory, we hope it is a good way that they
can be found by others interested in their research.
Moreover, we have seen that professional homepages not associated with an affiliation,
e.g. github pages or google.sites are not always easily found by search engines.
However, the more pages linking to their webpage, the more likely it is that search engines
will prioritise these webpages.
In case you are working in the area of ergodic theory and dynamical systems, but you
think your research field does not fit into one of the listed categories, feel free to contact
us. We may add additional research fields if it is not a small subfield already represented
by the categories given.
Keeping track of the many schools and workshops in Dynamical Systems and Ergodic
Theory which take place all over the world seems like quite an undoable task. Many
students and younger researchers ask for suggestions for activities to participate in but
there is no one place that holds a complete list. Also many organisers of such events aim
to avoid overlaps with events having a similar target group.
The website aims to address this issue by being a place in which organisers can upload
their events, and interested participants can easily find such events which can also be
filtered by country. In this way, the homepage also aims to be an easy way to advertise
your event, independent of mailing lists. Please visit the site to add your own conferences
(only activities in areas very closely related to Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory,